He is RISEN!! Happy Easter!! Started off the morning at church. Here is a shot of my wonderful family.
After church it was home to hunt for baskets. Every year I make clues and hide their baskets. When they are little, Kevin helps with reading the clues. This year was special because Ella can read now, so she got her very own set of clues!
Ethan looks pretty tickled with his first clue, doesn't he?
Bryce had to work for his clues this year! It took him a while to figure this one out.
Kyla was the first to find her basket! Great job Kyla!!
Then it was off to Grammie and Grandpa's for dinner and an egg hunt.
Today I had to go over to the pre-school to sort our final fundraiser items. What did we do you wonder? Well here is one of the boxes.
Isn't that funny? Both of the girls were playing in the boxes after I emptied them and that one had a hole big enough to stick her head through. We actually sold recycled bags from a company called Mixed Bag Designs. Super cute, all different sizes and patterns and we raised a HUGE amount of money!
Today when I was walking in to work I saw this in front of me.
You can't tell very well but they both have on lacy pattern tights under their shorts. All I could think was, "Hello again 80's!"
Well it finally happened. Ella had her "special friend" over after school. He is so sweet and played well not only with Ella, but Kyla and Ethan too. I was trying to be sneaky and catch a picture of them out the window, but...well you be the judge if I was sneaky enough.
I guess I need to work on my discretion!
Do you like Sour Patch Kids? Kyla does. So much that I caught her licking the sour sugar our of the wrapper!
Silly girl!
I received the most AMAZING phone call this morning. Without going into too much detail, a very wonderful family is blessing my family with some much needed help in our housing situation. It was totally unexpected and I kid you not when I tell you that I cried for 2 hours after the call. God is so amazing!! His people are so amazing!!
After I finally gained my composure, the girls and I had to run some errands before school. One of them was stopping to get gas. Here is how much it cost to fill up the van.
Uh-oh...composure nearly lost again, but not for a happy reason this time!
After our errands and on the way to school, Ella put the window down and stuck her head out. She was giggling and being silly.
This was her dog impersonation!
Isn't she goofy?
I am so thankful to finally see some Spring color and life in my yard!
Please stay Spring!!
I pray that you have had a great week, celebrated the Victory we have in Christ and taken the time to giggle a little too!
what a fun week!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am so happy for you and the wonderful surprise you received regarding your house!!! ((hugs)) to you!!
Love the girls' Easter dresses - they're so pretty! And the head in a box picture is too much. Gorgeous tulips! I might need to plant some for next year.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear of God's faithfulness in your life. That's wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteLove all the "silly girl" shots this week. :)