Had to work all day, no picture.
Today was Kyla's last day of pre-school. The year ends with a picnic and at the picnic the teachers are presented with their year end gift. This year they received this...

The front item is a flower box with their name and then all of the students put their thumbprints all over the box. Behind that is a footstool made by Kevin's dad to go with the Adirondack chairs they were given last year. The other gift was a spa day which will happen on Wednesday. These ladies deserve every bit of it and more!!
The 3 younger kids had to go the dentist today for their cleanings. Ethan ended up needing 2 small fillings. (he is the first one to have any) Bless his heart, he was so brave and did just fine. Here he is all numb afterwards.

I had pulled him out of school for the appointment and because of the fillings he was gone much longer and missed lunch. You know you can't eat very well when you are numb, but he tried. Funny thing was, I got him a vanilla milkshake and when I looked over at him it was pouring out of his mouth and down his chin and he had no idea because he couldn't feel it. That is what I should have taken a picture of!!
Today was the special spa day for the teachers. I was able to do some special arranging and was able to include Ann and myself in the day as well. (I could not have done half the things I did at the school without Ann's help!) A limo came to pick us up.

We were then taken to the spa for 3 hours of relaxing and pampering. It was wonderful and very fun!
This morning this is the view I got to look at.

So peaceful. Any ideas where this might be?
Maybe now?

That was my view while I was at the dentist.
Today Kyla accomplished something and has been doing it non stop. She calls it a flip over.

You or I would probably call it a somersault. She LOVES doing them!!
I was off today!! Took Bryce to get new tennis shoes this morning. He is a size 11 1/2 double E. May I remind you he is 11!! After that we had baseball games. Started raining towards the end of Bryce's and Ella's was rained out. Since we got out of the ballpark early we decided to have some family fun. What could we do on a rainy evening?

How about drive go carts?

The girls drove on the junior track and the boys drove on the adult track. They were going much faster and all of my pictures of them are blurry! We also played miniature golf in black light.

That is the course. Very thankful to spend some time together doing something fun! Thanks to the teachers at Salem who gave us this gift certificate!!
Hope you have had a fabulous week and are enjoying some great time with your family and friends!!
Looks like a great week! I'm glad you got to go on the spa day. I wonder if I'd like the dentist better if I had that same view? hmmm - not too sure about that :)